EROS HEART〔エロスハート〕

The Sense of Style

Beyond the haze of ongoing aesthetics, create your own. Develop an awareness of identity and value individuality. SPEAKING TO YOUR IDENTITY IS

in your HEART

is your experience, to evaluate an object, not mediated by intervening reasoning.


  • EROS in your HEART is a basic principle by which you enjoy immersive experience of diversified aesthetic appeals.
  • EROS in your HEART is a fountain of aesthetics which empower you to differentiate between "pleasure and displeasure", "likes and dislikes" or "beauty and no beauty".
  • EROS in your HEART is a driving force stirring deep emotions which facilitates your aesthetic sense of beauty, art and style.
  • EROS in your HEART is an intrinsic human nature which allows you to go with the aesthetic pleasure of beauty, art and style.

EROS HEART〔エロスハート〕

世界ノ「美的幻想」ヲ体験スルタメノ心ノ原理. 情動ヲ刺激シ, 感性ニ働キカケ, 心地ヨサト美シサヲ味ワウ. アラユル体験ヲ快ノ射程トシ, 自己ノ世界ヲ構成ス.

EROS HEART〔エロスハート〕-ハート EROS HEART〔エロスハート〕-ロゴ EROS HEART〔エロスハート〕-スペード


Progressing fashion trends have no end in sight. Albeit fleeting, a trend offers inspiration to develop a personal style along the way. Yet, this is a no-go.

Where stepping out of the boundaries of major trends, a cybernaut has encountered an oriental tradition. Cyberspance drawing an influx of the reverie of the oriental brings him with an unique style and a niche.

The style isn’t simply the way of being mixed, but a tone of harmony which is conducted by his own aesthetic on the basis of indivusuality.



Progressing fashion trends have no end in sight. Albeit fleeting, a trend offers inspiration to develop a personal style along the way. Yet, this is a no-go.

Where stepping out of the boundaries of a major trend, a cybernaut has encountered an oriental tradition. Cyberspance drawing an influx of the reverie of the oriental brings him with an unique style and a niche.

The style isn’t simply the way of being mixed, but a tone of harmony, which is dictated by his aesthetic in subversive basics.


His stance is to stay afloat, not be captured in the furthering trend cycle. Rather than picking up a major trend, he dares to stick to his own sense of style, an aesthetic of his choosing.

he wants to share his vision by working out to present his style.

He looks to develop an awareness of self-discovery, personality traits, and individual identity, all of which are uniquely you.



His stance is to stay afloat, not be captured in the furthering trend cycle. Rather than picking up a major trend, he dares to stick to his own sense of style, an aesthetic of his choosing.

he wants to share his vision by working out to present his style.

He looks to develop an awareness of self-discovery, personality traits, and individual identity, all of which are uniquely you.

Club Scene

  • EROS HEART Club Scene-1
  • EROS HEART Club Scene-2
  • EROS HEART Club Scene-3
  • EROS HEART Club Scene-4
  • EROS HEART Club Scene-5
  • EROS HEART Club Scene-6

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  • インスタ投稿「Long Sleeve T-shirts, Vest & Baggy Cargo Pants」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」ロングTシャツ、ベストとバギーカーゴデニムのリール動画をインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「Batik Wwestern Shirt & Fringe Baggy Pants」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」バティックウエスタンシャツとフリンジバギーデニムをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「Striped Shirt & Fringe Baggy Pants」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」ストライプシャツとフリンジバギーデニムをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「Camo Tank Top & Baggy Pants」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」迷彩タンクとバギーデニムをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「Tank Top & Camo Cargo Pants」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」Tシャツと迷彩カーゴフレアパンツをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「T-shirt & Side Line Baggy Jeans」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」Tシャツとサイドラインバギーデニムをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「T-shirt & Side-Zip Jeans」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」Tシャツとサイドジップデニムをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「White Hoodie & Baggy Jeans」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」ニットパーカとストライプバギーデニムをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「3/4 Sleeve T-shirt & Baggy Sweat Pants」

    「EROS HEART Legacy Images(過去画像)」七分丈Tシャツ&バギースウェットをインスタへ投稿しました。


  • インスタ投稿「3/4 Sleeve T-shirt & Baggy Sweat Pants」

